Basic Painting Skills Are Easy to Learn.
It doesn’t take much time at all to develop basic painting skills. Just about anyone can do it. Most painters who learn through “On the job training” pick it up in just a few weeks. All it takes is a little practice.
Very Low Start-Up Costs
A painting business is one of the best businesses because it doesn’t require a lot of money to start. For under $250.00 (depending on where you live) you can get a painting business up and running and earning money.
With start up costs this low it doesn’t take long to become profitable and if you target small high paying jobs your overhead costs are next to nothing.
No Expensive Advertising Needed
Unlike most other business, a painting business doesn’t require a huge monthly advertising budget. In fact it is completely possible to build a profitable painting business without any traditional advertising at all.
Smart painting business owners spend time building relationships with people who “know people” that can refer them jobs.
Earn Professional Income Working Part Time Hours.
Many successful painting business owners earn $60,000 – $100,000 per year working less then 35 hours per week. Once you develop your skills and become proficient, it is not uncommon to make $300-$500 per day working just 4-6 hours.
It is possible to earn more in one day then most painting employees make working a 40 hour week. Every day painters sell their valuable skills to a boss for a measly $12-$15 when they could be earning top dollar running their own painting business.
Freedom, Lifestyle and Security.
The best thing a house painter can do to secure their future is to start a painting business of their own.
The potential to earn an above average income working part time hours is one of the biggest benefits of owning a successful painting business.
Many painters are making a great living running their own painting business. They drive nice vehicles, live in nice homes and have the time and money to do the things they love.