While you may be inclined to rely on past scenarios to give you a slightly better handle on what to expect or what action to take, keep in mind that no two situations are the same. Because the circumstances and nuances of each case are different, do not let a previous decision be the template for all of your future actions. Instead, let it serve as a learning tool and take new, different decisions as you see fit.

While there is no clear-cut method, here are some steps that may help you narrow down your choices:

  • First, create a list of all possible outcomes.
  • Rank all the scenarios, from the best to the worst.
  • Figure out what actions will result in which outcomes

For each of these outcomes, think about all the other variables that are in play. Is there anything in particular that you can do that will reduce the likelihood of the bad or increase the good?

Also, do not forget to consider people’s emotions. If this decision will impact your employees as well, take the time to view the situations from their perspective. You do not want to take an action that although will benefit you, will isolate your employees. Weigh these pros and cons in your list of possible outcomes.

As you follow these steps, you should be able to eliminate more options and start to feel more comfortable making a decision.

When should you consider hiring a business coach?

If each and every time you have to make a decision, you find yourself procrastinating or overwhelmed, it may be a sign of a bigger problem. It is common to feel nervous or hesitant once in a while, but as a leader, you cannot constantly put off making a decision or avoid the situation all together. A business coach can work with you to understand where your fears stem from and help you overcome them.