• Optimisation
    App Store Optimisation in your app world is similar to SEO in the web world. Optimising your app’s listings will help in increased workflow and counting the store search results as well. Use the right set of keywords to increase its online visibility. Many of the developers add certain descriptive words to the app titles. Most importantly, App Stores function more like search engines for the popular ones thereby, pulling them to the top. Helping it to secure a high rank becomes easy and simple by adding high-quality images and relevant descriptions.
  • Test Different Acquisition Channels
    While starting from the very scratch, it becomes important to test all the various user acquisition channels and choose the most promising options available. Following here are some of the most effective ideas to try out for planning a winning user acquisition strategy.
  • Leveraging Social Media
    Building a social media presence has become essential for businesses and considering it as a prime online marketing tool for your products and services. Thus, you must invest your time in social marketing activities like starting or joining conversations, connecting with influencers and much more. You can build groups on LinkedIn or Facebook, active Reddit subgroups, use popular hashtags and join Twitter chats to reach the audience on a wider scale.
  • In- app Sharing
    Another strategy which, works well for marketers and entrepreneurs is encouraging sharing content with the social media audience directly via the mobile app. You can think of sharing videos with the audience via Twitter or can enable automatic sharing for sharing content on social media platforms.