Their will be many times in which you will want to quit and you will not want to invest any more capital to keep your company afloat. To give yourself the best chance of sticking it through, you must develop a positive mindset. Developing a positive mindset can be acquired by:
- Listening to powerful gurus or motivational speakers
- Listening to uplifting music or music that makes you happy
- Read positive books or quotes
- Hang around positive people and strong-minded people
Once your mind is conditioned to focus on the positive perspective on any situation, you will be able to get through the tough and negative times easier.
Me personally, I have had my share of negative moments and times I wanted to quit. However, because of my positive mindset, I was able to get through the tough time and start collecting a lot of returns on my investments.
I started out as a broke college student with a dead end job. I worked on week-ends because I was a full time college student majoring in computer engineering. I had to keep my company afloat on the little paycheck I was collecting every two weeks. However, because I hanged around positive … Read the rest